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Will You Eat Your Dog or Cat?

Mr. Donald Trump, former president of the United States, said that people

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Domestic Staff: How Safe Are You in Nigeria?

Sometimes, house chores can be overwhelming for new parents and others around

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Memorial Tributes: Say It The Way It Is

Years ago, you were privileged to attend the wake-keep of a friend's

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Why Me?

For over two months, I battled with writer's block and couldn’t construct

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Il y a beaucoup de faux amis

From the headline: "Il y a beaucoup de faux amis, my French

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July 1: Canada Celebrates 157th Anniversary

Tomorrow, Monday, July 1, is known as Moving Day for many people

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The Trending Invitation Cards in Montreal

Hey lovely people! It's been a while since you've been missing in

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Are You a Mom or Mother?

The headline above is quite amusing and confusing at the same time.

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How Genuine or Necessary Are These Quick RIPs?

Has anyone noticed that the commonly used word on social media now

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Junior Pope: Deliberate Waste of Lives

While life is precious and a gift from God, it should never

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